Fixed Income Team
The Tenax Fixed Income team oversees over EUR 2bn across various strategies, offering UCITS, QIAIF, private mandates and unit-linked management.
We specialise in three main areas: Insurance Linked Securities (here a link to the ILS page), unit-linked products for insurance companies, and absolute return open-end funds.

Our Strategies
Unit-Linked Investments​
At Tenax we collaborate with major insurance groups to manage their unit-linked products, which are closed-end funds designed to provide a target return at maturity, which can range from 5 to 10 years.
The unit-linked fund strategies is designed to be a hedge against inflation and interest rates, as the goal is to deliver the target return promised to the policy holder through the management of a fund whose constituents are matched with the lifetime of the fund itself. The unit-linked products can also pursue different themes, such as a geographical or sectorial focus.
Dynamic Income Fund
The Tenax Dynamic Income Fund (TDIF) is a UCITS compliant absolute return fund whose aim is to deliver positive performance in different market scenarios investing in a broad range of fixed income securities. The focus of the TDIF is primarily on EUR HY and junior financial debt, but we actively manage our exposure to IG and rates whenever in our view this represent an opportunity to achieve an extra return.